Homophones Part 3
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Hard-adj-solid; firm
Herd-n- number of animals
Harry-v- annoy sb with the repeated request.
Hurry-n- need or wish to get sth.
Hart- n- adult male of deer, stag
Heart-n- the hollow muscular organ that pumps blood
Haste-n- quickness
Heist-n- robbery
Haunt-v- visit a place regularly
Hunt-v- chase wild animal/prey
Haven-n-place of safety or rest.
Heaven-n-place believed to be the home of the god
heal-v-become healthy again
Heel-n- the back part of the foot.
Hill-n-natural elevation on the surface.
Heap-n- number of things or mass of material piled up.
Hip-n- lower backside of the body of a person.
Heat-n- high temperature.
Hit-v- strike sb.
Heroin-n- a narcotic drug made by morphine
Heroine-n- female hero.
Hew-v-chop or cut
Hue-n-color variation as a shade
Historic-adj- famous or important in the history
Historical- adj- concerning past history
Hoard-n- carefully collected and guarded.
Horde-n- very large group
Hobby-n- a favorite activity that a person does for a pleasure
Hubby-n- husband
Hole-n-cavity, sunken, hollo
Whole-adj-entire, completely
Holly-n-red berry, evergreen shrubs
Holy-adj- associated to god
Holi- n- the name of the festival
Hoof-n- horny part of the foot. shoe of the horse.
Hoop-n-circular band of metal or wood
Hop-v- jumping on one foot.
Hope-n- the desire for sth to happen
Human-adj- characteristic of man
Humane-adj-having or showing sympathy
Ideal-adj- satisfying ones of what is perfect.
Idyll- a short piece of poetry or prose that describes happiness or peace.
Idle-adj-doing or having no work
Idol-n- the image of God.
Ill-adj- sick; physically or mentally unwell
Eel-n- a long thin snake
Imaginable- adj- which can be imagined.
Imaginary-adj- existing only in the mind or imagination.
Impart-v-give a quality to sth.
Import-v-bring sth from a foreign country.
Impassable -adj- impossible to travel
Impossible-adj- not possible
Imperial-adj- of an empire
Imperious- adj- proud and arrogance
Impostor-n-person pretending to be sb else.
Imposture-n-action of deliberately deceiving
Imprudent- adj-not wise or discreet
Impudent- adj- very rude and disrespectful
Inapt-adj- not relevant
Inept-adj- completely unskillful at sth.
Incite-v- persuade sb to do sth making him very angry.
Insight-n- deep understanding; ability to see into the true nature.
Incredible-impossible to believe.
Incredulous-showing disbelief.
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