What is Homophone? part2

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 Foul-adj-having a bad smell or taste

Fowl-n-domestic cock or hen

Gabble-v- talk quickly.

Gable- n - triangular upper part of the side.

Gaff-n-stick with an iron huck.

Gaffe-n-social blunder, indiscreet act, or remark



Gaggle-n-flock, the group-

Goggle-v- look sth/sb with round, wide eyes

Gait-n-manner of walking or running.

Gate- n- a movable barrier that closes an opening

Gamble-v- play a chance of games.

Gambol-v-jump or skip playfully.



Gantry-n- tall metal frame supporting crane, signals on a railway.

Gentry-n- people of good social position

Gaol-n- prison

Goal-n- pair of posts with a crossbar

Gap-n- opening or gate, place between two things

Gape-v- stare with an open mouth.



Guage-v-measure sth accurately
Gaze-v-look long steadily at sth/sb

Gene-n-unit in a chromosomes

Genteel-adj-polite or refined in an affected way



gird-v-surrounded sth
guard-n-a soldier

Glade-n-open space in the forest.

Grate-v- rub sth into small pieces
Great-adj-well above average in size.



German-n- a person belongs to Germany

Germane-adj- relevant

Ghastly-v-causing fear or horror

Ghostly-adv-Like a ghost in appearance

Gild-v-cover sth with gold

Guild-n-society of people with similar interests.



Greed-n- the excessive desire for food

Grid-n- a network of horizontal and vertical lines

Green-adj- of color between blue and yellow

Grin-v- smile broadly

Greet-v- give a conventional sign

Grit -n- tiny hard bits of stone



Grim-adj-very serious and unsmiling in appearance

Grime-n- dirt (make dirty)

Grip-n- firm hold 

Gripe-v- feel or cause sudden sharp pain 

Gulf-n- part of the sea surrounded almost by land

Gulp-v- swallow quickly or greedy



Hack -v- strike heavily cutting blows at sth.
Heck-n- used to express mild annoyance.

Hail-v- call out to attract attention.
Hale-adj- used in idioms hale and hearty means strong and healthy.

Hair-n- one of the fine thread-like strands.
Hare-n- fast running animals.

Heir-n-person with legal rights to receive property
Hire- v- It means legally acquire people on wages.



Half-n- either of two equal or corresponding. 

Huff-n- fix or bad temper or annoyance.

Hall-n- space or passage on inside of entrance

Haul-v- pull or drag sth with efforts or force.

Hapless- unlucky

Helpless- showing lack of hope

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