The Top 100 Preposition


The Preposition


A position that occupies in the relation of subject and object.

Some example of prepositions

He sat on the chair.
There is some milk in the fridge.
She was hiding under the table.
The cat jumped off the counter.
He drove over the bridge.
She lost her ring at the beach.
The book belongs to Anthony.
They were sitting by the tree.


Here is a list of commonly used prepositions: above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with and within.

100 important preposition 

 1) About  (के बारे मे ) -  about is a simple preposition, which means " on the subject of" or "connected with".

Example- Ram is learning about computer.

                   Do you know anything about paintings?

                  What is about your studies?

2) Above  ( से ऊपर) - The preposition above means "higher than" and used to refer things that are at higher level.

Example-  can you touch things above the roof without any support?

                   Its looking like, birds are flying above the sky.

                   If  water is  boiled  at 100 degree celsius or above, it will converted into vapour 

3) Abroad (विदेश )- means in or to ' foreign country' 

Example- They will love to live abroad for their higher education.

                We are not going abroad this year for vacations.

  4) According to (के अनुसार ) - that preposition is used to keep or share some knowledge or information on the basis of facts told or given by someone or somewhere.

Examples- we are doing our work according to our instructor.

                   You didn't submitted your fee according to our record

5)Across( आर-पार)- the preposition 'Across' means both side or from one side to another , that is used show position of something on the place which have two sides. like - river , road, street etc.

Examples- A chid is walking across the road slowly.

                 I saw her, running across the stree

6)Ago (पहले)- the preposition 'ago' means 'before' and used in sentences regarding  something that has been done in past.

Example- She is talking about a event, happend 3 years ago.

                we met 4 weeks ago

7)Ahead of( से आगे)- preposition 'ahead of ' refers to someone or something before/ forward.

Examples- Our teacher was walking ahead of us.

                  market is situated ahead of this building.

     8)Along(साथ - साथ )- along can used in many ways like to mention direction( horizontal lengths), or to denote something with or togather next to someone or something.

Examples: we were driving along the left side of road.

Will you come along us in today's function? 

9)Amidst  ( बीच मे  )- amidst means ' in middle of something' that we can't count.

Example- The spoon fell from my hand amidst of sugar .

She was swimming amidst of water 

10) Among(के बीच) -   the preposition 'among' is same as amidst but is used before countable nouns.

Example- Nainital is a very beautiful place situated among the lakes.

I think Naina is more intelligent among all students.

11)Amongst ( बीच मे)- it is similar to the preposition among and used to mention something situated at center or in middle.

Example- sneha scored marks amongst top 5% students of the school.

Can you imagine a place amongst mountains and fully covered by snow.

12)Apart(से  अलग/ केअतिरिक्त)- Apart is a preposition which means ' except something or someone'

Example- She doesn't like to do any work, apart from her studies.

                They have not any problem in their new place, apart from the traffic.

13)Around(चारों ओर)-around means everywhere or throughout .

Examples- They love to do bike race around then city.

We planted trees around our school on the occasion  of Harela festival.

14)As( जैसे/की तरह) As is used to  show ' purpose or role of someone or something'

Example- She is working there as a teacher.

                She can't attend her classes, as she has fever from day before yesterday.

   15)As far as( जहाँ तक) As far as is used to denote the 'extreme limit thats possible'

    Examples- I will try to run as far as I can ,in given time period.

                      As far as I can see there are not any schools in this area.

16)As well as(साथ ही)  - As well as means 'with something '.

Example- She got first position in her class, as well as in her school .

               He is a B.Sc student as well as a UPSC aspirant also.

17)Aside(अलग )- aside means to keep something 'side' or' separately'.

  Example- Keep your phone aside while you are studying.

                  He put his bag aside and started playing football.

18)At(पर)- At is used to mention time or place.

Example- She does not live at village.

             I reached home at 8 pm.

19)Away(दूर) - Away means 'far ' or something at long distance.

Example- We are running away from our house.

                Why did you go away from yesterday's function.

20)Because of(की वजह से )- Because of means ' by the reason of ' something or someone.

Examples- She didn't come school today because of heavy rain.

                  He can't write fast because of his thumb surgery.

21)Before (पहले)- before means earlier in case of time .

Examples - They came back before their holidays are finished.

                   I had come back from my morning walk before you wake up.

22)Behind( पीछे) - behind means back of someone or something .

Example- Her house is behind my house .

                   She evils about  her friends behind them.

23)Below( के नीचे )  - below means lower side of something.

  Example- nowadays temprature is daily below 30°.

                   You can't vote below the age of 18 in India.

24) Beneath(नीचे ) - beneath is similar to below but it is used when something is lower than another one and both thing are in contact also.

Example- There are different types of layers in our skin, beneath epidermal layer ( outer most layer of skin)

The paper is beneath his feet but he is not feeling it.

25)Besides(के अलावा / इसके साथ साथ ) - beside means other than something. Or excluding something.

Example- she loves to read story books besides horror stories also.

                 besides singing, she is too good in painting also.

26)Beside (पास)-  beside means' near of' something or someone.

Examples- She lives beside gola market.

                   In today's funtion, my friend was sitthing beside me.

27)Between(के बीच )- between means' in mid of'.

Example- please, Distribute this chocolate between .Ram and his sister, because i have only one at this time.

This match is between two teams.

28)Beyond(के आगे/ से परे ) )- beyond means 'further of' something.

Example- Why can't you think beyond your studies?

                How someone  can work for 18 hours? its beyond my imagination.

29)But( लेकिन )- But is used to  introduce a new statement when the first statement is different from second one, and works as a conjunction.

Examples- He was going to school but his dress drenched in the rain at night.

                 He is not indian but he loves India more than his own country. 

30)By(द्वारा )- by is used to show something is done by means  or with the help of someone or something.

Example- The slogan "Karo ya maro" was given by Mahatma Gandhi.

                 He went Delhi by train.

31)By means of(के माध्यम से ) - By means of denotes something happened or happening with the help or use of something or someone.

Examples- What do you want to say by means of your letter.

                  Poets always give  messages to people by means of their poetry.

 32)Close to(के करीब ) - Close to means almpos near of somethig or somewhere but not  exactly same.

Example- Her answer is very close to the correct answer.

               If she will  run with same speed, i am sure, she will  be close to win the race.

33)Despite(बावजूद इसके )- despite means 'even after something'. 

Example- Ram went school despite the rain.

                Despite working so hard, Sneha could not come first in her class.

  34)Down(नीचे )- it means at lower position or level.

 Example- She was running down the stairs and slipped.

               mountaineers climbed down the mountain very quickly,while they took very long time to climb up.

35)Due to(के कारण )- due to means 'because of ' and is used to express the reason.

 Example- The failure is due to insufficient prepration and bad strategy.

                  she got sick due to eating street food.

36)During(के दौरान)- during means through the duration or period of time.

 Examples - during winters after november Badrinath dham remains close.

                    She was sleeping during her mom was asking for her. 

37)Except(के  आलवा )- Except means to exclude something or someone.

Example- She like all subjects except chemistry.

                Except Ramesh all students are very good in maths.


39)From(से )- from indicates starting point of anything.

Example- They are coming from college.

                You will study from morning to evening.

40)Hence( इसलिए )- Hence means 'because' or 'therefore'.

Example- They know that road has been blocked, hence they canceled their tour program.

                Tomorrow is holi, hence we will  have a holiday.

 41)In(मे)- There are so many uses of in, commonly it means 'within somthing'

Example- She is very good in decision making.

               She is studying in library .

42)In accordance with(के अनुसार )- that preposition is alike to 'according to' means to do something by following or agreeing someone or something.

Example- The teachers  have to teach in school in accordance with principal's order.

                You will reach college at 9 AM, in accordance with my experience. 

43)In addition to(निम्न के अलावा )- In addition to means more than we have, or as well.

Example- In addition to shristi many students are wise.

               In addition to Mahatma gandhi and Bhagat singh many

44)In case of(के मामले मे)- in case of is used in those sentences, when we talk about if any event happen ,then what should we  do.

Example-  in case of failiure don't give up.

                 you  should take an umbrella in case it rains.

 45)In font of (के सामने)-  The preposition in front of means ' from or by front of something'.

  Example- She walked in front of me.

                   I live in front of gola marke

46)In lieu of(एवज / बदले )-' lieu' is a french term which means  'place'.

Example- In lieu of going school in rain, she prefer to live at home.

                 She prefer to study at morning in lieu of study with sleepy eyes at night.

47)In place of( की जगह मे )- In place of means " instead of something".

Example- They have decided to build a hospital in place of/ instead of mall.

                 Lieu is a french expressions used in place of instead of.

48)In spite of(बावजूद )- In spite of means despite of something.

Example- Ramesh did not have any pride in spite of becoming such a great business man.

                 Rachna  performed well in spite of being ill.

49)In to(

50)Inside(अंदर )- inside means something situated inside of any container or any object.

Example- She is sitting inside the class.

               It is not allowed to carry  camera inside the temple.

51)Instead of (के बजाय )- instead of means in place of or replace something with another.

Example- You should try to get first position in class instead of  scoring only 60% marks

                instead of Goa she is going to Shimla with herb friends.

52)Like ( एक जेसे/ समान  )- Like means ' similar to' or same as.

Example- She  writes  like  a writter.

                She looks like her mother.

 53)Near (पास )- Near means close , or not far in distance.

Example- Everyone likes to sit near to the fire in winters.

                She is waiting for her friends near to the college.

54)Next ( आगला )- next means 'upcoming', means something( events, place, peaople, in time or sequences) just after current one.

Example- She has her exams next month.

                  If you are not successful in your first plan then go according to your next plan. 

55)Next to ( के पास )- next to is similar to  near, near means something close but at some distance while next to means just after someone or something.

Example- She was sitting next to her school friend ,but she didn't recognize her.

                  Imagine you are standing next to  honorable prime minister.

56)Notwithstanding(के होते हुए भी )- notwithstanding is similar to in spite of, means to take actions even after some inappropriate conditions.

Example-  Notwithstanding a great security arrangements, CM was shot.

                  she went school notwithstandind her expelling from school by principal.

57)Of(का /के/की)-  The preposition 'of' is used to relate things with subject or any other objects.

 Example-   She gave me a piece of watermelon.

                   Ramesh is a coworker of sohan

58) Off (बंद)- off preposition is used in many ways, like for close, or for away from something .

     Examples-  make sure your phone is off during your class .

                         She  took her shoes off and ran into the house.

59) On (ऊपर)- preposition on is used to mention something kept above any surface.

Example- She is sitting on chair.

            Her mother is walking on roof.

60)On account of(के कारण )- on account of means 'because of'.

Example- They came back early from school on account of half day.

                 We are going to Simla on account of winter vacations.

61)On behalf of( की ओर से )- on  behalf of means to do something as a representative of someone.

Example-  I am giving that openion on behalf of  all my teammates.

                 We are going to a trip on behalf of our school.

 62)un to( पर्यत)- un to means until or by, and is a ARCHAIC term for TO.

Example- He gave  his notebook unto her mother, before going to exam hall.

                I will do unto others, what they did to me.

63) On top of( के शीर्ष पर )- on top of means at the highest point/ position of something.

Example- she started climbing and reached on top of the mountain. 

                  She is working very hard, she will definitely on top of her acheivements soon.

64) Onto(पर)- it  is a varient of on to, which means at/on any position.

Example- We climbed on to the roof of college building.

                 she slipped and fell on the ground.

 65)Opposite(विलोम )-opposite a word used when two things are reverse/ adverse or against of each other.

Examples- Ram is my best friens but unfortunately we live in opposite places.

                  I don't know ,why does ramesh always talk opposite me. 

 66)Out( बाहर )- out means to move away from a place it canbe  enclosed or  open.

Example- Get out of this class.

                As the bell rang all the students ran out of class.

67)Out from(से बाहर )-  Out from means to get separate from something .

 Example- The snake came out from its pit, and every one got afraid.

                   he was fired out from his job. 

68)Out of(से बाहर )- Out of  is a preposition , interchangeable with from.

Example - She took her lunch box out of her bag.

                 Finally  She came out of exam hall.


69)Outside(बाहर)- Outside means to move out  from a enclosed place.

Example-  Her mother is waiting for her ouside.

                 Don't make noise , teacher is just outside of classroom.

70)Over(ऊपर )- over means above or higher then something.

Example-  She was discussing over her career plans.

                  It is raining all over the world. 

 71)Owing to(कारण / हेतु )- owing to means  because of or on account of .

Example- She missed her classes  owing to road block.

                 The match was cancelled owing to heavy rain.

72)Per(प्रति)-  per means each or every.

Example-  You have to collect 20 rupees per student.

                Please study per day.

73)Prior to(पूर्व )- Prior to means before something .

Example- Write your name prior to writting answers on answer sheet.

                Check your bag prior to go to school.

74)Roundगोल ) - round means similar as 'around'.

Example-  she tied her scarf round her sister's neck.

                 I saw a picture in which they all were sitting roung a tree.

75)Since(जबसे)- since is a preposition of time that is used to denote a point of time in past.

Example- she hasn't attended her online classes since last month.  

                They are living in dubai since 4 years.

76)Than(से / के बजाय )- than is used in case of comparisons.

Example- seeta is more wise than her sister.

               ramesh ran faster then his friend.

77)Through(के माध्यम से )-through means by,or by means of something.

Example-  What does she want to say through her speech?

                  Explain the route of your village through map. 

78)Throughout(हर जगह/ पूरा )- throughout means everywhere.

Example-  She has traveled throughout her friend's village.

                 She studied throughout the day.

 79) Till(तक)- till means until, and used in a negative sence.

Example- Rashmi didn't go to college till now.

               Why didn't you take you lunch till now. 

80) Times( बार )- Times is a preposition used to denote the frequency of a action.

Example- She has sung that song 5 times including today.

                 The phone rang 3 times. 

81)To(प्रति )- the preposition to is used in many ways.

Example- She is running towards bus stop to catch bus.

                 She  is preparing hard to pass exam.

82)Toward( की ओर )- Toward is used to show direction of something or someone.

Example- I saw seeta yesterday, she was running toward her college.

                 Why are you going toward coaching classes instead of your college. 

83)Towards(की ओर )- towards is same as toward there is only difference of spelling according to countries.

Example- She is sitting towards window.

                 don't walk  towards right side of road. 

 84)Under(नीचे)- under means below and used when something is directly under anything or covered by anything directly. 

Example- she is hiding under the table.

                 Her cat went under the bed. 

85)Underneath(नीचे )- underneath means below or down .

Examples- She hid her gift underneath her pillow.

                   she kept her pen underneath her  pocket. 

86)Unlike(भिन्न)- unlike means something different from other.or not similar to others.

Example- For a teacher all students are alike , no one is unlike.

               unlike of all students, she writes with left hand. 

87)Until(तक)- until means up to in respect of time.

Example- you can't get right answer until you don't use correct method.

                 I will reach home until you will cook food.        


89)Unto(पर्यत )- unto means something continue till or up to a perticular time.


90) Up(ऊपर )- up means something at heigher level.

Example- She lives just up the main market.

                 there were up to 50 students who  had got  first position in 10th boards.

91)Upon(ऊपर)- Upon means over something.

Example- She is sitting upon the desk.

                The pen is kept upon the  table.

92)Via( के जरिये )- via means to do something with the help of somrthing or someone.

Example- You can study  that topic via 3d pictures. 

                finally she reached here via google map.

  93)With( के साथ )- with means togather someone or something.

 Example- She will come to function with her mother. 

                  she is writting story with blue pen.

94)With a view to(के  विचार से )- with a view to mens, to do something with some other  intension or purpuse. 

Example- with the view to  win elections ,  political parties helped rural population.

                 She decided to visit US with the view to get new business contract.

 95)Within(अंदर )-within is  preposition of time, that is used to show to done something before or till the given time.

Example- You will have exams within this month.

                 You will have to finish your course within 5 days.

96)Without(बिना )- preposition without is used to show lack of something.

       Example- Today you can't do anything without knowledge and its implement. 

                         without skills no one will provide you job.

97)Worth(कीमत/ लायक )- the pre position worth is used to talk about the value of anything.

            Example- Her books are very expensive  but they worth it. 

                            She always respects her relatives but now she come to realise that they dont worth it.


Discribed Preposition for Exam

For practice Click: Translate Hindi into English

For practice Click: Translate Hindi into English


Q.1 Look_______ the painting on the wall.-

  1. at 
  2. and
  3. with


Q.2 He has cut his finger _______ a knife.-

  1. By 
  2. With
  3. as well as


Q.3 The novel was written _______ a famous author.-

  1. By 
  2. With
  3. on


Q.4 He will arrive _______ 7 AM.-

  1. By 
  2. With
  3. at


Q.5 Trains pass _______ the tunnel.-

  1. through 
  2. With
  3. at


Q.6 There are dirty spots _______ the floor.-

  1. on 
  2. With
  3. By


Q.7 Leave the papers _______ the table.-

  1. on 
  2. With
  3. Above


Q.8 They sat _______ the grass.-

  1. on 
  2. Below
  3. Over


Q.9 We stood _______ one feet .-

  1. on 
  2. With
  3. By


Q.10 Tom had a blister _______ his foot.-

  1. on 
  2. With
  3. By


Q.11 My cousin has invested a lot of money _______ farming.-

  1. on 
  2. for
  3. in


Q.12 It is dangerous to enter _______ the enemy's camp.-

  1. into 
  2. through
  3. in


Q.13 A good judge never gropes _______ the conclusion..-

  1. for 
  2. to
  3. At


Q.14 Religious leaders should not delve _______ politics..-

  1. into 
  2. with
  3. At


Q.15 India is committed _______ a policy of peacefull existence.-

  1. to 
  2. with
  3. At


Q.16 Raman's speech pointed _______ some of our defects.-

  1. to 
  2. with
  3. Towards


Q.17 My relations _______ suganga are good.-

  1. to 
  2. with
  3. Towards


Q.18 Siva has no control _______ his temper.-

  1. to 
  2. with
  3. over


Q.19 I am used _______ such hardships.-

  1. to 
  2. with
  3. over


Q.20 I was astanished _______ the sad news.-

  1. to 
  2. with
  3. at


Q.21 I do not agree _______ you on this point.-

  1. to 
  2. with
  3. at


Q.22 The teacher has no control _______ the student.-

  1. to 
  2. over
  3. at


Q.23 Good sleep is necessary _______ good health.-

  1. to 
  2. from
  3. for


Q.24 Exercise is beneficial _______ health.-

  1. to 
  2. towards
  3. for


Q.25 Your statement is very much similar _______ mine.-

  1. to 
  2. towards
  3. about


Q.26 Minority aspirations cannot forever be kept in check _______ gun.-

  1. to 
  2. with
  3. about


Q.27 Sometimes we have to put _______ with unpleasant situation.-

  1. on 
  2. off
  3. up


Q.28 I am ready to say this _______ her face.-

  1. at 
  2. on
  3. by


Q.29 She was a devoted wife and looked _______ her husband.-

  1. after 
  2. for
  3. to


Q.30 I am not obsessed _______ such ideas as you are.-

  1. with 
  2. for
  3. in


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