

                                 TENSE (काल)

There are 3 basic parts of tense :

1- Past- The tense that is used to express activities that has already been done in recent or long past.
2- Present- The tense that is used to express activities of now happening and the happenings recently. 
3- Future- The tense that is used to express activities happeing in future but not now.

There are three most important things which are used to identify, and translate the tense of hindi into english.

1- Identification-

        Present(है, हूँ, हैं)                   Past(था,थी,थे)                         Future(गा, गी, गे) 

Indefinite(अनिश्चित, वाक्य जिनके अंन्तिम दूसरे स्थान पर - ता, ती, ते आते हैं)

Continuous(लगातार, वाक्य जिनके अंन्तिम दूसरे स्थान पर -  रहा, रही, रहे आता है) 

Perfect(पूर्ण, वाक्य जिनके अंन्तिम दूसरे स्थान पर -   गया, गयी, चुका, लिया, देखा आता है )

Perfect Continuous(पहले से कार्य हो रहा हो, अंन्तिम दूसरे स्थान पर- रहा, रही, रहे और वाक्य में समय आता है)

यहाँ तक तो सब आसानी से समझ गये होंगे आप?

Sentence  समझने के लिये,  यहाँ क्लिक करे

2-Helping verb-


3- Form of verbs:


The Indefinites

Present Indefinite(ता है, ती है, ते हैं, लाओ , जाओ, बोलो, सीखो)

राम खाना बनाता है।

Simple- Ram cooks food.

Negative- Ram doesn't cook food.
                 Ram does not cook food.

Interrogative- Does Ram cook food?

Negative- Does Ram not cook food?

Question Word- Why does Ram cook food?

Negative- Why does Ram not cook food?

तुम रोज चाय पीते हो।

Simple- You take tea daily.

Negative- You don't take tea daily.
                   You do not take tea daily?

Interrogative- Do you take tea daily?

Negative- Do you not take tea daily?

Question Word- Why do you take tea daily?

Negative- Why don't you take tea daily?
                  Why do you not take tea daily?

For more translation practice:  Hindi into English

Past Indefinite(ता था, ती थी, ते थे। लिया, दिया, गया, कहा, देखा, सुना, बोला, चुका)

वे आम का रस पीते थे।

Simple- They drank mango juice.

Negative- They didn't drink mango juice.
                They did not drink mango juice.

Interrogative- Did they drink mango juice?

Negative- Did they not drink mango juice?

Question Word- Why did they drink mango juice?

Negative- Why didn't they drink mango juice?

तुम रोज चाय पीते थे।/ तुमने रोज चाय पी। 

Simple- You took tea daily.

Negative- You didn't take tea daily.

Interrogative- Did you take tea daily?

Negative- Did you not take tea daily?

Question Word- Why did you take tea daily?

Negative- Why didn't you take tea daily?

For more translation practice:   Hindi into English

Future Indefinite(ता होगा, ती होगी, ते होंगे, जाएगा लाएगा, कहेगा, बोलेगी, लाएँगे, आएगी)

तुम रोज चाय पीते होंगे।/तुम रोज चाय पियेंगे।

Simple- You will take tea daily.

Negative- You won't take tea daily.

Interrogative- Will you take tea daily?

Negative- Will you not take tea daily?

Question Word- Why will you take tea daily?

Negative- Why won't you take tea daily?

वे आम का जूस पीयेंगे।
Simple- They will drink mango juice.

Negative- They won't drink mango juice.

Interrogative- Will they drink mango juice?

Negative- Will they not drink mango juice?

Question Word- Why will they drink mango juice?

Negative- Why won't they drink mango juice?

For more translation practice:  Hindi into English

The Continuous

Present Continuous(रहा है ,  रही है, रहे हैं)

तुम रोज चाय पी रहे हो।

Simple- You are taking tea daily.

Negative- You aren't taking tea daily.

Interrogative- Are you taking tea daily?

Negative- Are you not taking tea daily?

Question Word- Why are you taking tea daily?

Negative- Why aren't you taking tea daily?

For more translation practice:   Hindi into English

Past Continuous(रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे )

तुम रोज चाय पी रहे थे।

Simple- You were taking tea daily.

Negative- You weren't taking tea daily.

Interrogative- Were you taking tea daily?

Negative- Were you not taking tea daily?

Question Word- Why were you taking tea daily?

Negative- Why weren't you taking tea daily?

For more translation practice:   Hindi into English

Future Continuous(रहा होगा, रही होगी, रहे होंगे।)

तुम रोज चाय पी रहे होगे।

Simple - You will be taking tea daily.

Negative - You won't be taking tea daily.

Interrogative - Will you be taking tea daily?

Negative - Will you not be taking tea daily?

Question Word - Why will you be taking tea daily?

Negative - Why won't you be taking tea daily?
                 Why will you not be taking tea daily?

For more translation practice:   Hindi into English

The Perfect

Present perfect( लिया है, लिया है, दिया है, गया है, बोला है)

तुम आज चाय पी चुके हैं।

Simple - You have taken tea today.

Negative - You haven't taken tea today

Interrogative - Have you taken tea today?

Negative - Have you not taken tea today?

Question Word - Why have you taken tea today?

Negative - Why have you not taken tea today?

For more translation practice:  Hindi into English translation Practice

Past perfect(लिया था, दिया था, कहा था, बोला था, सुना था)

तुम कल चाय पी चुके थे।

Simple - You had taken tea yesterday.

Negative - You hadn't taken tea yesterday.

Interrogative - Had you taken tea yesterday?

Negative - Had you not taken tea yesterday?

Question Word - Why had you taken tea yesterday?

Negative - Why had you not taken tea yesterday?

For more translation practice:  Hindi into English translation Practice

Future perfect(लिया होगा, चुका होगा, ली होगी)

तुम कल अब तक चाय पी चुके होंगे ।

Simple - You will have taken tea tomorrow till now.

Negative - You won't have taken tea tomorrow till now.

Interrogative - Will you have taken tea tomorrow till now?

Negative - Won't you have taken tea tomorrow till now?

Question Word - Why will you have taken tea tomorrow till now?

Negative - Why won't you have taken tea tomorrow till now?

For more translation practice:   Hindi into English

The Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous(रहा है, रहे हैं, रही है) समय Since(Point of time) For(Period of time)

तुम आधे घण्टे से चाय पी रहे हो।

Simple - You have been taking tea for half an hour.

Negative - You haven't been taking tea for half an hour.

Interrogative - Have you been taking tea for half an hour?

Negative - Have you not been taking tea for half an hour?

Question Word - Why have you been taking tea for half an hour?

Negative - Why haven't you been taking tea for half an hour?
                 Why have you not been taking tea for half an hour?                                 

For more translation practice:   Hindi into English

Past Perfect Continuous(रहा था , रही थी, रहे थे) समय- Since(Point of time) For(Period of time)

तुम आधे घण्टे से चाय पी रहे थे।

Simple - You had been taking tea for half an hour.

Negative - You hadn't been taking tea for half an hour.

Interrogative - Had you been taking tea for half an hour?

Negative - Had you not been taking tea for half an hour?
                 Hadn't you been taking tea for half an hour?

Question Word - Why had you been taking tea for half an hour?

Negative - Why hadn't you been taking tea for half an hour?
                  Why had you not been taking tea for half an hour?

For more translation practice:   Hindi into English

Future Perfect Continuous(रहा होगा, रही होगी, रहे होंगे)समय Since(Point of time) For(Period of time)

तुम आधे घण्टे से चाय पी रहे होंगे।

Simple - You will have been taking tea for half an hour.

Negative - You will not have been taking tea for half an hour.

Interrogative - Will you have been taking tea for half an hour?

Negative - Won't you have been taking tea for half an hour?

Question- Word - Why will you have been taking tea for half an hour?

Negative - Why will you not have been taking tea for half an hour?

Practice Question

Q.1 मैं 2 बजे खाना बना रह रहा था - कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. present continuous
  2. past continuous
  3. past perfect continuous
  4. future continuous

past continuous

Q.2 वह भी यहीं कहीं रहता है- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. present indefinite
  2. past continuous
  3. present continuous
  4. future continuous

present indefinite

Q.3 तुमने मुझे क्यूँ बुलाया यहाँ?- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. past indefinite
  2. past continuous
  3. present perfect
  4. future perfect

past indefinite

Q.3 वो सुन रहा था?- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. present indefinite
  2. past continuous
  3. present perfect
  4. future perfect

past continuous

Q.4 ये कैसे हो गया?- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. past indefinite
  2. present continuous
  3. present perfect
  4. future perfect

past indefinite

Q.5 तुम 7 बजे से क्या काम करते हो?- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. past indefinite
  2. present continuous
  3. present indefinite
  4. future perfect

present indefinite

Q.5 तुम 7 बजे से क्या काम करते हो?- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. past indefinite
  2. present continuous
  3. present indefinite
  4. future perfect

present indefinite

Q.6 When had you gone there?- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. past indefinite
  2. past perfect contninuous
  3. present pefect continuous
  4. past perfect

past perfect

Q.7 They had played well but they  lost at end- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. past indefinite
  2. past contninuous
  3. past pefect continuous
  4. past perfect

past perfect

Q.8 वह कल रात से भूखा है ,- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. past indefinite
  2. past contninuous
  3. present pefect
  4. past perfect

present perfect

Q.9 I haven't had breakfast yet,- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. past perfect
  2. past contninuous
  3. present pefect
  4. past perfect

present perfect

Q.10 Were you working at night,- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. past perfect
  2. past contninuous
  3. present pefect
  4. past perfect continuous

past continuous

Q.11 Will he still be travelling this evening? कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. future perfect
  2. future contninuous
  3. future simple
  4. future perfect continuous

Future continuous

Q.12 We'll have finished by 6pm, कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. future perfect
  2. future contninuous
  3. future simple
  4. future perfect continuous

Future perfect

Q.13 The train had already left.- कोन-सा टैन्स है?

  1. past perfect
  2. past contninuous
  3. past simple
  4. past perfect continuous

past perfect

Q.14 When you called, I_____ my lunch.

  1. Was having
  2. am having
  3. were having
  4. had have

was having

Q.15 If you had arrived late, I _____ angry.

  1. had been
  2. would have been
  3. will have been
  4. shall been

Would have been

Q.16 They _____ computer languages yet.

  1. have not started
  2. Had not started
  3. have not start
  4. has not started

Have not started

Q.17 My parents _____ in village for 5 years,when I was a child.

  1. was living
  2. lives
  3. Lived
  4. has lived


Q.18 While my mother was cooking the phone _____ .

  1. rang
  2. was ringing
  3. rung
  4. is ringing


Q.19 They will read the agreement fully before they _____ it .

  1. will sign
  2. would sign
  3. sign
  4. signing


Q.20 This time next year I _____ in Mumbai for 2 years .

  1. will have been living
  2. Will have lived
  3. wil be living
  4. will living

Will have been living

Q.21 She is tired. She _____ for 3 hours.

  1. has studied
  2. has been studying
  3. had study
  4. had been studyin

has been studying.

Q.22 Nicky usually _____ her dog in the evening.

  1. Is walking
  2. walk
  3. walks
  4. has walk


Q.23 Most of the coutries _____ significantly over the last 40 years.

  1. Develop
  2. Developed
  3. are develope
  4. have developed

have developed.

Q.24 I _____ my homework before I went out to play.

  1. finish
  2. finished
  3. wil finish
  4. finishes


Q.25 The chocolate was eaten by me. Which tense is here-

  1. Simple past
  2. simple present
  3. past continuous
  4. past perfect

simple past.

Q.26 The chocolate was eaten by me. Which tense is here-

  1. Simple past
  2. simple present
  3. past continuous
  4. past perfect

simple past.

Q.27 Ram and shyam___going to scool.

  1. are
  2. is
  3. was
  4. had

simple past.

Q.28 When ___ I ____ you money.

  1. did,give
  2. do,gave
  3. does,give
  4. did,gave


Q.29 They have been singing_____5 hours.

  1. Since
  2. for


Q.30 They have been singing_____5 hours.

  1. Since
  2. for


Q.31 How ____ they have _____ village late last night.

  1. will,reached
  2. will reach


Q.32 find out correct sentence.

  1. Mahi will be dance in her college function.
  2. Mahi will dance in her college function.

Mahi will dance in her college function.

Q.33 Rama______school.

  1. go
  2. goes
  3. is go
  4. is goes


Q.34 She taught us english grammar, find the correct negative sentence of it

  1. She not taught us English grammar
  2. She did not teach us English grammar
  3. She did not taught us English grammar
  4. She didn't taught us English grammar

She did not teach us English grammar.

Q.35 sub + verb with s/es + objedt is the pattern to form sentences in-

  1. Present perfect tense
  2. present indefinite tense
  3. past indefinote tense
  4. future indefinite tense

Present indefinite tense.

Q.36 Which statement is wrong about past indefinite tense-

  1. Always have second form of verb in simple sentences.
  2. If we use did then firs form of verb used.
  3. Negative sentences in past indefinite don't have helping verbs.
  4. helping verb is did.

Negative sentences in past indefinite don't have helping verbs.

For more translation practice:  Hindi into English translation Practice

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