
 MS Access

Extension Name - .accdb
Package Name - Access Database
Software Name - MS Access

About Access-

This Software is used to create, modify, update and manage the table and manipulate table in query, form, and report forms. Query is used to join table and manage the records with a unique field (PrimaryKey).


  • Data-  The coallection of number, character, picture, color etc is called data.
  • Column/Field- The base of record is calle field. (Column in excel is named field in Access)
  • Row/Record- The description of field is called records. (Row in excel is named record in Access)
  • Table- The combination of rows and columns make table.
  • DBMS(Database management System)- The collection of tables, query, form, and reports make DBMS.

Database Objects

There are four database objects in MS Access-

  1. Table (A table is used to create data table and give modification with different types of works)
  2. Query (This is a type of table that is used to check the records of two differetn tables with a field  that contains similer fields).
  3. Form(It is used to create form look of a table records. it displayes one record at a time).
  4. Report(It is used to create report look of a table recors. it displays list of multiple records at the same time.)

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