English-Test Practice

English at JamsCademy

 English Test

Q.1 Shweta took the dog to the park. find out the proper noun?

  1. Shweta 
  2. dog
  3. park
  4. All of them


Q.2 The girl arrived in the state last week, find the common noun .

  1. girl 
  2. state
  3. week
  4. All of them

All of them

Q.3 He was the part of crew.what is collective noun here? .

  1. He 
  2. Crew
  3. Part
  4. All of them


Q.4 The theatre was engulfed in darkness,find out abstract noun?

  1. Darkness 
  2. Engulfed
  3. Theatre
  4. All of them


Q.5 I am currently living in Srinagar Garhwal? what's noun in this sentence.

  1. Living
  2. In
  3. Srinagar Garwal

Srinagar garhwal

Q.6 George Washington is an example of a/an -

  1. Common noun 
  2. proper noun
  3. Concrete noun
  4. Abstract noun

proper noun

Q.7 'Boys' is an example of a;

  1. singular noun 
  2. plural noun
  3. singular possessive noun
  4. plural possessive noun

plural noun

Q.8 Which noun below is a collective noun;

  1. Women 
  2. Duck
  3. Family
  4. Children


Q.9 School is an example of a/an-

  1. Common noun 
  2. Proper noun
  3. material noun
  4. Abstract noun

Common noun

Q.10 The band is an example of a;

  1. Singular noun 
  2. Plural noun
  3. Possessive noun
  4. collective noun

collective noun

Q.11 How many types of noun there?

  1. 9
  2. 7
  3. 10


Q.12 Please do not walk on the grass. what is noun in this sentence?

  1. please 
  2. Walk
  3. Do not
  4. Grass


Q.13 'Teeth' is-

  1. Plural word  
  2. singular word
  3. both
  4. none of them

plural word

Q.14 Which among the following is a countable noun?

  1. milk  
  2. petrol
  3. water
  4. orange

orange word

Q.15 Which among the following is a countable noun?

  1. milk  
  2. petrol
  3. water
  4. orange


Q.16 Nikita is a great teacher, find out common noun in this sentence-

  1. Nikita  
  2. Great
  3. Teacher
  4. Nikita and Teacher


Q.17 He has bought a new car, find out the noun-

  1. He  
  2. Car
  3. New
  4. Bought


Q.18 His father gifted me a book on my birthday, find out numbers of noun in this sentence -

  1. 5  
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 3


Q.19 I recognized your voice at once, voice is a --- noun -

  1. common  
  2. proper
  3. collective
  4. none

common noun

Q.20 My team is better than theirs, what is noun and its type in this sentence?

  1. Team, common noun  
  2. team,collective noun
  3. Better,Abstract noun
  4. my,proper noun

Team, collective noun

Q.21 Never tell a lie, find out the type of noun used in this sentence?

  1. common noun  
  2. collective noun
  3. Abstract noun
  4. proper noun

Abstract noun

Q.22 crowd is-

  1. common noun  
  2. collective noun
  3. Abstract noun
  4. proper noun

collective noun

Q.23 I live in a small town in England. The word "town" is a-

  1. common noun  
  2. collective noun
  3. Abstract noun
  4. proper noun

common noun

Q.24 Neha works as a programmer at Microsoft, "microsoft is a-

  1. common noun  
  2. collective noun
  3. Abstract noun
  4. proper noun

Proper noun

Q.25 There are 12 months in a year. The word month is a -

  1. common noun  
  2. collective noun
  3. Abstract noun
  4. proper noun

Common noun

Q.26 There are 12 months in a year. The word month is a -

  1. common noun  
  2. collective noun
  3. Abstract noun
  4. proper noun

Common noun

Q.27 Misha plays the piano and the drums.find out the correct pair of nouns-

  1. Misha , plays, drums.  
  2. Piano, drum, The
  3. Misha, piano, drums
  4. Both 1and2

Misha, Piano, Drums

Q.28 David said to take the cake,cookies and cups to the picnic, How many nouns are used in this sentence?

  1. 5  
  2. 7
  3. 6
  4. 3


Q.29 I love August because school starts. 'August'is a-

  1. Proper noun  
  2. collective noun
  3. Common noun
  4. Abstract noun

Proper noun

Q.30 The sky looks so clear and blue.find out noun-

  1. Looks  
  2. sky
  3. The
  4. Clear and blue


Q.31 I have three mobile phones, this is the one tha I was giving by my brother. What type of pronoun is the word"this"?

  1. Reflective  
  2. Possesive
  3. Demonstrative
  4. Personal


Q.32 Those keys are mine. what type of pronoun is "mine"

  1. Reflective  
  2. Possesive
  3. Demonstrative
  4. Personal


Q.33 There is someone in my room, someone is-

  1. Reflective  
  2. Interrogative
  3. Demonstrative
  4. Indefinite


Q.34 Somebody must have taken my sandwich. find out pronouns in this sentence-

  1. somebody  
  2. my
  3. somebody and my
  4. none of them

Somebody and my

Q.35 What type of the pronoun is the word "Who"

  1. Interrogative  
  2. Relative
  3. personal
  4. none of them


Q.36 What type of the pronoun is the word "her"

  1. Interrogative  
  2. Relative
  3. personal
  4. possessive


Q.37 Mr. Mehta, who is the principal of our school, walked into the classroom, "who" is a pronoun here-

  1. Interrogative pronoun  
  2. Relative pronoun
  3. personal pronoun
  4. possessive pronoun

Relative pronoun

Q.38 Mr. Shreya did all the work by herself, type of pronoun used in this sentence is -

  1. Reflexive pronoun  
  2. Relative pronoun
  3. personal pronoun
  4. possessive pronoun

Reflexive pronoun

Q.39 This, That, These those are what type of pronouns -

  1. Reflexive pronoun  
  2. Relative pronoun
  3. Demonstrative pronoun
  4. possessive pronoun

Demonstrative pronoun

Q.40 This, That, These those are what type of pronouns -

  1. Reflexive pronoun  
  2. Relative pronoun
  3. Demonstrative pronoun
  4. possessive pronoun

Demonstrative pronoun

Q.41 The bird lost some of ...... feathers, fill in the blank?

  1. It  
  2. Its
  3. Their
  4. it's


Q.42 They beat ...... , but i didn't do anything to them. fill in the blank?

  1. me  
  2. we
  3. I
  4. Them


Q.43 Mrs. Brown is our teacher....... likes teaching. use suitable pronoun and fill in the blank?

  1. him  
  2. she
  3. He
  4. They


Q.44 He told himself that he was so lucky to be alive."himself" is a -

  1. Reflexive pronoun  
  2. Intensive pronoun
  3. Demonstrative pronoun
  4. Relative pronoun

Reflexive Pronoun

Q.45 There are a few candies in the jar, "FEW" is a -

  1. Reflexive pronoun  
  2. Intensive pronoun
  3. Demonstrative pronoun
  4. Indefinite pronoun

Indefinite Pronoun

Q.46 Everybody is welcome to the party. what is pronoun in this sentence -

  1. To  
  2. Welcome
  3. Party
  4. Everybody


Q.47 The examination authority changed .... rules regarding late entry. use suitable pronaoun at blank space -

  1. its 
  2. their
  3. them
  4. There


Q.48 Success is only for those who believe in hard working, Relative pronoun in this sentence is -

  1. who 
  2. Those
  3. only
  4. In


Q.49 Pronouns take the place of -

  1. An adverb 
  2. A noun
  3. A verb
  4. An adjective

A noun

Q.50 To refer to something that is far from you, use the pronoun -

  1. It 
  2. This
  3. That
  4. These


Q.51 With a singular pronoun the verb should be -

  1. Plural verb 
  2. none od them
  3. singular and plural
  4. Singular only

Singular only

Q.52 children you can cut your nails .... , fill in the blank -

  1. Themselves 
  2. Yourselves
  3. Yourself
  4. None of them


Q.53 She always combs her hair...... , fill in the blank -

  1. Herself 
  2. herselves
  3. Yourself
  4. None of them


Q.54 Please pay for the book that you lost,you is...... a pronoun here -

  1. personal 
  2. Relative
  3. Intensive
  4. Reflexive


Q.56 Which hat do you think,I should wear today? which is .... pronoun here. -

  1. Interrogative pronoun  
  2. Relative
  3. Intensive
  4. Reflexive


Q.57 I don't know where you put the book, you is .... pronoun here. -

  1. Interrogative pronoun  
  2. Relative
  3. Personal
  4. Reflexive


Q.58 Anyone who likes this music must be insane, Anyone is .... pronoun here. -

  1. Interrogative pronoun  
  2. Indefinite
  3. Personal
  4. Reflexive


Q.59 There are ..... types of noun, -

  1. 7  
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 10

4. 10 types

Q.60 My english teacher said, there were a few students in his class yesterday.'how may pronouns are used in this sentence -

  1. 3  
  2. no pronoun
  3. 1
  4. 2

1. 3 pronouns

Q.61 verb is-

  1. All mental and physical actions  
  2. work done by any person
  3. process of work done
  4. none of them

All mental and physical actions

Q.62 Verb has types-

  1. 5  
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 4


Q.62 Verb has types-

  1. 5  
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 4


Q.63 which one is not a verb among following-

  1. sleep  
  2. Flow
  3. Sit
  4. happy


Q.64 The mail arrived after I left, here 'arrived' is a verb -

  1. Transitive  
  2. Intransitive
  3. Helping verb
  4. None of them

Intransitive verb

Q.65 Would you take a picture of us, here 'Take' is a verb -

  1. Transitive  
  2. Intransitive
  3. Helping verb
  4. None of them

transitive verb

Q.66 I have had this phone for two years, here 'have' is a verb -

  1. Transitive  
  2. Intransitive
  3. Helping verb
  4. None of them

Helping verb

Q.67 Transitive verbs are -

  1. those verbs which need an object  
  2. Don't need any object
  3. connects subject with predicate
  4. None of them

Those verbs which need an object

Q.68 Inransitive verbs are -

  1. those verbs which need an object  
  2. Don't need any object
  3. connects subject with predicate
  4. None of them

Those verbs which ddon't need any object

Q.69 Auxiliary verbs are -

  1. Always used with main verb  
  2. need an object
  3. connects subject with predicate
  4. None of them

Always used with main verb

Q.70 Auxiliary verbs are also known as -

  1. Linking verb  
  2. Transitive verb
  3. Intransitive verb
  4. Helping verb

Helping verb

Q.71 Had you worked hard, you.....have passed the examination.fill the blank space -

  1. will  
  2. shall
  3. should
  4. would


Q.72 Your job .... be very demanding but at least it isn't boring.fill the blank space -

  1. might  
  2. may
  3. can
  4. would


Q.73 What is 3rd form of verb "spit" -

  1. spit  
  2. spat
  3. spited
  4. none of them


Q.74 'Taught' is second form of verb, of -

  1. teach  
  2. tell
  3. talk
  4. none of them


Q.75 2nd and 3rd forms of verb'Do' are-

  1. did and done  
  2. done and did
  3. did and do
  4. done and do

Did and Done

Q.76 Give me .....time to decide,fill in the blank with correct adjective-

  1. A few  
  2. the few
  3. a little
  4. none of them

A little

Q.77 All these are solved questions of English language. The word english is-

  1. Adjective of Quantity 
  2. Adjective of quality
  3. Adjective of Number
  4. none of them

Adjective of quality

Q.78 Lead is the ...... of all metals.-

  1. heavy  
  2. heavier
  3. heaviest
  4. none of them


Q.79 The comparative degree of the word 'thin' is -

  1. Thick  
  2. More thin
  3. Thinner
  4. Thinnest


Q.80 Farther and Further are used to express: -

  1. Distance  
  2. Age
  3. Character
  4. Behavior


Q.81 The positive degree of the word 'worst' is -

  1. worse  
  2. Bad
  3. Good
  4. Best


Q.82 She did not eat any sweet, the word any shows adjective of -

  1. Quality  
  2. Number
  3. None
  4. Quantity


Q.83 I want blue shirt. here the adjective is -

  1. shirt  
  2. no adjective
  3. want
  4. blue


Q.84 How many degrees of adjectives are there -

  1. 5  
  2. 3
  3. 7
  4. 4


Q.85 Which among following is not a type of degree of adjective -

  1. Positive  
  2. superlative
  3. comparative
  4. Negative


Q.86 'Rarely' is adverb of -

  1. Time  
  2. Adverb of frequency
  3. Adverb of place
  4. None of them

Adverb of frequency

Q.87 My mother usually drives carefully wherever she goes, adverbs in this sentence are -

  1. carefully 
  2. Usually,carefully, wherever
  3. Usually,carefully
  4. Usually

2. usually,carefully,. Wherever

Q.88 Never underestimate the power of a women, adverbs in this sentence is -

  1. Never 
  2. Underestimate
  3. Power
  4. Woman.


Q.89 My grandfather walks extreamly slowly. The adverb "extreamly" modifies -

  1. Adverb 
  2. verb
  3. Noun
  4. None of them


Q.90 Thats a lovely painting. the word "lovely" is -

  1. Adverb 
  2. verb
  3. Noun
  4. Adjective


Q.91 Your friend Ashu drives very fast car. The word "fast" is -

  1. Adverb 
  2. verb
  3. Noun
  4. Adjective


Q.92 My niece reads well for a five year old . the word "well" is -

  1. Adverb 
  2. verb
  3. Noun
  4. Adjective


Q.93 Obviously, I could be wrong. The adverb "obviously" modifies -

  1. pronoun 
  2. verb
  3. None of them
  4. clause


Q.94 Our house is practically on the highway.The adverb "practically" modifies -

  1. pronoun 
  2. verb
  3. Prepositional phrase
  4. clause

prepositional phrase

Q.95 Your roommate drives quite fast, doesn't she? "quite" is used here as -

  1. pronoun 
  2. verb
  3. Adverb
  4. clause


Q.96 We rarely go to movies on the weekends.The adverb 'rarely' modifies -

  1. pronoun 
  2. verb
  3. Adverb
  4. clause


Q.97 Adjective does not modifies? -

  1. pronoun 
  2. verb
  3. None of them
  4. Noun


Q.98 An adverb modifies? -

  1. only verb 
  2. verb,Adjective and another adverb
  3. Noun and pronoun
  4. vern and Adjective

Verb, Adjective and another adverb

Q.99 The word "Fast" is-

  1. only verb 
  2. Adjective and adverb
  3. Only Adverb
  4. Only Adjective

Adjective and adverb

Q.100 Averb form of happy is-

  1. happiest 
  2. happly
  3. happily
  4. None of them



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