Intentional & Compulsion

Determining/Intentional Sentence

 It is used to express determined state of mind to work.

Am to, is to, are to are used to give our intentions or what one will do. Here is a very easy formula for their use. 

Identity-(पहचान )

Past - जाना था, आना था, कहना था, बोलना था आदि।

Present - जाना है, कहना है, सुनना है, करना है आदि।

Future - जाना होगा, कहना होगा,  बोलना होगा आदि।

Helping verb- According to tense we have to use helping verb as following.

Past - were to , was to

Present - am to , are to, is to

Future - shall to, will to

Form of verb - irrespective of the tense and their types here we use 1st form of verb .

Past - 1st

Present - 1st

Future - 1st


Subject + am/is/are + infinitive (To+ v1) +ob ……….

Now we will see some examples to clear our doubts. 


I am to go now. ( अब मुझे जाना है)

We are to call him.(हमे उसे कॉल करना है ) 

You are to reach there. (तुम्हें  वहाँ पहुँचना है )

They are to start the match now. (अब उन्हे मैच शुरू करना है )

He is to sing a song.(उसे एक गाना गाना है )


 1) मुझे गांव जाना है। 

I'm to go village.

I'm not to go village.

Am I to go village?

Am I not to go village?

Why am I to go village?

Why am I not to go village?

2) सीता को स्कूल मे गणित पढ़ानी है। 

Seeta is to teach maths in school.

Seeta  is not to teach maths in school.

is Seeta to teach maths in school?

is Seeta not to teach maths in school?

When is Seeta to teach maths in school?

When is Seeta not to teach maths in school?

3)मुझे एक कहानी लिखनी है । 

I am to write a story.

I am not to write a story.

am I to write a story?

am I not to write a story?

When am I to write a story?

when am I not to write a story?


1) तुम्हें कम्प्यूटर सीखना था।

You were to learn computer.

You were not to learn computer.

Were you to learn computer?

Were you not to learn computer?

Where were you to learn computer?

Where were you not to lean computer?

2)इसे टूट जाना था। 

It was to be broken.

It was not to be broken.

Was it to be broken?

Was it not to be broken?

How was it to be broken?

How was it not to be broken?

3) मेरे दोस्तों को आइसक्रीम खानी थी । 

My friends were to take icecream.

My friends were not to take icecream.

were my friends to take icecream?

Were my friends not to take icecream?

why were my friends to take icecream?

Why were my friends not to take icecream?


1) आपको परीक्षा के लिए पढ़ना होगा। 

You will to study for exams.\

You will not to study for exams.

Will you to study for exam?

Will you not to study for exam?

Why will you to study for exam?

Why will you not to study for exam?

2) हमे परीक्षा पास करनी होगी । 

We shall to pass the exam.

we shall not to pass the exam.

Shall we to pass the exam?

Shall we not to pass the exam?

How shall we to pass the exam?

How shall we not to pass the exam?

3) उन्हे गाँव जाना होगा । 

They will to go village.

They will not to go village.

Will they to go village?

Will they not to go village?

Why will they to go village?

Why will they not to go village?


Presnet -

ID- वाला है, वाली है,। वाले है।

H.V. - is about to, am about to, are about to.

F.V. - 1st

वह मुझे बुलाने वाला है।

He is about to invite/call me. 
He is not about to invite me.
Is he about to invite me?
Is he not about to invite me?
When is he about to invite me?
When is he not about to invite me?


ID- वाला था, वाली थी, वाले थे।

H.V. - was about to, were about to.

F.V. - 1st

राहुल मुझे रुलाने वाला था।

Rahul was about to make me weep. 
Rahul was not about to make me weep.
Was Rahul about to make me weep?
Was Rahul not about to make me weep?
When was Rahul about to make me weep?
When was Rahul not about to make me weep?

वे मुझे बुलाने वाले थे।

They were about to invite/call me. 
They were not about to invite me.
Were they about to invite me?
Were they not about to invite me?
When were they about to invite me?
When were they not about to invite me?

वह मुझे बुलाने वाला था।

He was about to invite/call me. 
He was not about to invite me.
Was he about to invite me?
Was he not about to invite me?
When was he about to invite me?
When was he not about to invite me?


Compulsion is a type of grammar sentence that are used to express constraint in daily used sentences.

पहचान  (Indentity)

Past - पड़ा  था, पड़ी थी, पड़ा, पड़ी, आदि।

Present - पड़ता है, पड़ती है, आदि।

Future - पड़ेगा, पड़ेगी,  पड़ता होगा, पड़ती होगी आदि।

Helping verbs-

Past - had + to

Present - have to , has to, 

Future - shall have to, will  have to

Forms of verb-

Past - 1st

Present - 1st

Future - 1st


1)मुझे गांव जाना पड़ता है। 

I've to go village.

I've not to go village.

Have I to go village?

Have I not to go village?

Why have I to go village?

Why Have I not to go village?

2) हमे रोज स्कूल जाना पड़ता है । 

We have to go school everyday.

We have not to go school everyday.

Have we to go school every day?

Have we not to go school everyday?

Why have we to go school everyday?

Why have we not to go school everyday?

3) माही को रोज़ सुबह जल्दी उठना पड़ता है । 

Mahi has to wakeup early in morning everyday.

Mahi has not to wakeup early in morning everyday.

Has Mahi to wakeup early in morning?

Has Mahi not to wakeup early in morning?

When has Mahi to wakeup early in mornig?

When has Mahi not to wakeup early in morning?

1)तुम्हें कम्प्यूटर सीखना पड़ता था।

You had to learn computer.

You had not to learn computer.

Had you to learn computer?

Had you not to learn computer?

When had you to learn computer?

When had you not to learn computer?

2)तुम्हें क्लास मे जल्दी पहुँचना पड़ता था ।

You had to reach early in class.

You had not to reach early in class.

Had you to reach early in class?

Had you not to reach early in class?

Why had you to reach early in class?

Why had you not to reach early in class?

3) उन्हे ऑफिस मे ज्यादा काम करना पड़ता था ।

They had to do extra work at office.

They had not to do extra work at office.

Had they to do extra work at office.

Had they not to do extra work at office?

Why had they to do extra work at office?

Why had they not to do extra work at office?

1)तुम्हें कम्प्यूटर सीखना पड़ेगा।

You will have to learn computer.

You will not have to learn computer.

Will you have to learn computer?

Will you not have to learn computer?

Where will you have to learn computer?

Where will you not have to learn computer?

2) आज डिनर तुम्हें बनाना पड़ेगा । 

You will  have to cook dinner today.

You will not have to cook dinner today.

will you have to cook dinner today?

will you not have to cook dinner today?

Why will you have to cook dinner today?

Why will you not have to cook dinner today?

3)तुम्हें जल्दी अपना पाठ्यक्रम खत्म करना पड़ेगा । 
You will have to finish your syllabus soon.

You will not have to finish your syllabus soon.

Will you have to finish your syllabus soon.

Will you not have to finish  your syllabus soon.

Why will you have to finish your syllabus soon.

Why will you not have to finish your syllabus soon.

                                      Assessment Questions

Q.1- Which of the following is an intentional sentence-

  1. She want to go home before dark. 
  2. She has to go home before dark.
  3. She is to go home before dark.

She is to go home before dark.

Q.2- Its raining outside still Aarav had to go to college. which kind of sentence is this-

  1. Intentional 
  2. Compulsion
  3. Both


Q.3-Find out odd kind of sentence-

  1. She is to have lunch. 
  2. Ram was to have breakfast, but he was getting late.
  3. Manish had to cook dinner himself.

Manish had to cook dinner himself.

Q.4-Ram goes to school everyday.which is right compulsion form of this sentence-

  1. Ram had to go to school everyday. 
  2. Ram have to go to school everyday.
  3. Ram has to go to school everyday.

Ram has to go to school everyday.

Q.5-मुझे गाँव जाना होगा ,right transtation of this sentence is-

  1. I shall to go to village. 
  2. I have to go to village.
  3. I shall have to go to village.

I shall to go to village.

Q.6-माही कल गाँव जाने वाली थी, which one of following is correct translation of this sentence-

  1. mahi was about to go village yesterday. 
  2. Mahi had to go village about yesterday.
  3. Mahi is about to go village yesterday.

Mahi was about to go village yesterday.

Q.7-Choose correct helping verb for a sentence with compulsion-

  1. Have to 
  2. am to.
  3. are to.

Have to( to show compulsion in present tense)

Q.8-Which of the following we can't use in a intentional sentence-

  1. Had to 
  2. is to.
  3. was to.

Had to( shows compulsion in past tense)

Q.9-Complete this incidental sentence, Rahul ____ reach school till 8 'O'clock at morning.-

  1. Has to 
  2. is about to.
  3. have to.

is to

Q.10-Complete this intentional sentence, Rama ____ reach home till 5 'O'clock at evening.-

  1. Has to 
  2. is to.
  3. have to.

is to

Q.11 convert this intentional sentence into it's compulsion form"Maya will to complete her project work before 30 may".-

  1. Maya has to complete her project work before 30 may" 
  2. Maya have to complete her project work before 30 may"
  3. Maya will have to complete her project work before 30 may".

Maya will have to complete her project work before 30 may".

Q.12 The factor which defferentiates an intentional sentence from a compulsional sentence is-

  1. Helping verbs 
  2. Form of verbs
  3. order of sentence.

Helping verbs

Q.13 Mohina is to prepare lunch after reaching home. find out correct past form of this sentence-

  1. Mohina was to prepare lunch after reaching home 
  2. Mohina were to prepare lunch after reaching home
  3. Mohina had to prepare lunch after reaching home

Mohina was to prepare lunch after reaching home

Q.14 Mahima will have to study hard,this is a-

  1. Intentional 
  2. Compulsional
  3. None of them


Q.15 fill the blank space with correct helping verb,"Rahul _____ submit his exam fee yesterday -

  1. Is to 
  2. Have to
  3. Was to

Was to

Q.16 Ram _____ return my pen tomorrow. -

  1. Will have to 
  2. Have to
  3. Had to

Will have to

Q.17 You _____ reach home before 3PM today. -

  1. Are to 
  2. Is to
  3. Am to

Are to

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