The full form of DOS is Microsoft Disk Operating System, which was the dominant operating system for the personal computer (PC) throughout the 1980s.
It has several commands to be used-
Type help and press Enter key
You will see a list of commands on the screen.
Two types of commands-
Internal Commands-An internal command is an MS-DOS command that is stored in the system memory and loaded from the or cmd.exe.
likewise :
COPY. Copies a file. ...
TYPE. Displays the contents of a file. ...
DEL. ...
External Commands- An external command is an MS-DOS command that is not included in
List of MS-DOS commands-
This command is used to go back one directory. it means when you are create a directory with md (directoryname) command and then you use cd (directoryname) to go in the same directory after that you create another directory with md (directoryname2) command and again you use cd (directoryname2) . now, if you put cd.. and press Enter, then you will reach in (directoryname).
This command is used to go in root directory.
md name
This command is used to create a new directory. Like: md (directoryname) Enter
cd name
This command is used to change a directory, it means we can enter in a new directory.
cd (directoryname) Enter.
This command is used to show the version of the Operating System installed in PC.
This command is used to show the volume of the Disk available in PC.
This command is used to clear the date on screen but it does not remove data from the disk.
copy con (filename)
This command is used to create a file with command. like - copy con filename and Enter
del (filename)
This command is used to delete a file
rd (empty directory) Enter
This command is used to remove a directory from the PC.
type (filename)
This command is used to show the content of the file.
This command is used to quit/come out from the command prompt.
This command is used to show the current date on PC, and it allows users to change the date in mm-dd-yy format.
This command is used to show current time on PC, and it allows users to change the time in specific format.
attrib +h *.*
This command is used to hide all files with all extensions in the current directory.
attrib -h *.*
This command is used to show all files with all extensions in the current directory
This command is used to write message on the command prompt.
This command is used to edit a file on the command prompt on a new windows opening.
sort (filename)
This command is used to show the list of strings in ascending order.
This command is used to check the disck for its content of files and folders available.
Dir (directory name) Enter
This command is used to show the directories and files in the current directory.
dir /w
This command is used to show the directories and files widthwise in the current directory.
dir /p
This command is used to show the directories and files pagewise in the current directory.
dir /b
This command is used to show the directories and files without date in the current directory.
This command is used to remove the directories and files in the current directory.
This command is used to move directories and files from current directory to an another directory.
This command is used to copy files from the current directory to an another directory.
This command is used to change the name of a specific files in the current directory.
Move Current to another
c:\ram\gic> move a1 \ram\ggic
(here file a1 is being sent from gic to ggic where gic is the current directory)
Move another to current
c:\ram\gic> move \ram\ggic\b1
(here file b1 is being sent from ggic to gic where gic is the current directory)
Move another to another
c:\ram\gic\ move \ram\pgc\c2 \\ram\ggic
(here file c2 is being sent from pgc to ggic where gic is the current directory)