How computer came in existence

How the Computer came in existence

History of Computer: Syllabus

1- Abacus

It was invented in Babylonia around 2400BC.  Abacus was used to perform basic arithmetic operations. the abacus, which we are familiar with was first used in China in 500 BC ago for calculation.

The Image Abacus System are consisting of eight levels one by one. Level 1 is the novice level, other levels are very advanced.
The 2 years duration is to complete the course on abacus. dramatic improvement in math capability is  very evident if any body tries, when the students have achieved level four or five.

What do learn in Abacus Class?

As so far, we have been glanced on the earlier studies then Abacus course is used teach children to make them skilled in skill in mathematics. here beads are easy to move with hands for children so they become well understood of abacus beads and perform skilled  calculations without using the abacus.

Blaise Pascal

Pascal, born on 19 June in year 1623 in France, He was only brother of two sisters to Etienne and Antoinette Pascal according their biography.
Pascal was inspired with his father's job, his father was doing job in taxes collecting department where he was also involved some time with his father, He started to calculation with the simple calculating device he developed actually.

2-Invention of Calculator  

Blaise Pascal was a philosopher, mathematician, scientist, inventor, and theologian as most utilized mind in France. In math he was good enough, he had early started to work in the fields of game theory as probability. 
As a philosopher he was an early beginner..

The Chancellor Seguier continued to support Pascal and on 22 May, 1649, by royal decree, signed by Louis XIV of France, Pascal received a patent (or privilege as it then was called) on the arithmetical machine, according to which the main invention and movement is this, that every wheel and axis, moving to the 10 digits, it will force the next to move to 1 digit and it is prohibited to make copies not only of the machine of Pascal, but also of any other of machine calculating, without permission of Pascal. It is prohibited for foreigners to sell such machines in France, even if they are manufactured abroad. These things might make penalty internationally. 

3-Computer Invention

Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage was born in year 1791 and died in year 1871. He  was born in Walworth,  He was one of four brothers and sisters born to the banker his father, Benjamin Babbage as the study says. Charles Babbage was attended Trinity, Cambridge, in year 1810 to study maths and graduated from Peter house in year 1814.then  He was received an MA. In year 1814 he got marry,  with whom he had eight children but only three of them were lived to young. He did resident in London in year 1815 as His wife, father, and two of his children died in year 1827 he suffered it.


The machine Difference engine was created by Charles Babbage first of all, and this is an automatic mechanical calculator designed. Difference Engine name was taken from the method of divided differences, He took a kind mind set in the field and seriously worked for this device in the that duration.

"Difference engine was specially designed for a simpler mechanical computer."

Analytical engine was specially invented to mechanical general-purpose computer and designed by computer developer Charles Babbage technical hero and it was first described in  year 1837.
As a upgraded to Babbage's difference engine, a design for a mechanical computer it was widely appreciated.

The Analytical Engine was a general-purpose machine and it was make to fully program-controllable, it was automatic mechanical digital computer upgraded by Charles Babbage. It would be able to perform any calculation set before it as an example he did several tests in it. contemporary.

Difference between Difference Engine and Analytical Engine

The single difference between those two engines, difference engine can only do one mathematical operation while that is addition on the other hand analytical engine, it can do the 4 simple mathematical operation (addition,division,multiplication and division).

In the  general consideration, complete invention process of computer was started in year 1823 and it was finished after 11 years period of time in year 1834. After invention the it continuously updated computer system..

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